Anti Hacker Plugin for Wordress (Free)
No matter how small or big your server is, hackers may attempt to use it to send spam, steal traffic, and attack other computers. According to Security magazine, there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.
In fact, some studies suggest that the majority of attacks against websites begin to occur within the first 24 hours of a site going online. Hackers are known to use automated tools that continuously scan the internet for vulnerable websites, looking for security weaknesses that they can exploit. As soon as a new website goes online, it becomes a potential target for these automated tools.
Antihacker is a free WordPress plugin designed to improve system security by scanning your site and preventing unauthorized access to your account. It does this by restricting access to the login page to whitelisted IP addresses. If someone attempts to access your login page from an unauthorized IP address, they will be prompted to enter your WordPress user email and you will receive an email notification.
Please, read below for more features:
- No DNS, API (EndPoint) or Cloud Traffic Redirection. No Slow Down Your Site! No Google penalties for slow sites. It is completely self-contained and does not need to connect to any outside service.
- Firewall to Block Malicious Requests, Queries, User Agents and URLS. 100% Plug-n-play, no configuration required. (look our faq page for details)
- Security Malware scanner (one click scan) for 797 malwares also in free version (unlimited files). Scan your site now before Google blacklists it or your web host takes it down.
- Scans every folder and inspects every file on a website (deep scanner) for traces of malware, trojans, worms, viruses, backdoors as well as JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden eval code and more.
- Scan all Pages, Posts and Comments against malwares.
- Alert for plugins and themes without updates for long time or with old versions.
- Log table of blocked visitors.
- Block blank user agent.
- Block HTTP tools (Premium Version).
- Limit Visits (Premium Version).
- You can disable the WordPress xml-rpc (xmlrpc) (or disable only Pingaback) API with just one click. Look our Faq page for learn more.
- You can also disable Json WordPress Rest API (also embed from WordPress 4.7). Look our Faq page for learn more.
- Stay updated and reduce your risk: you can set automatic updates for plugins and themes
- You can turn on login alerts with just one click. Also login fails alert.
- Protect Login Form from Brute Force Attacks.
- Send alert email when any new plugin is installed. (First thing hackers do when gain access to your site)
- Send email alert when AntiHacker plugin is deactivated.
- WordPress Debug enabled warning.
- Disable file editing within the WordPress dashboard.
- Replace insecure login error message.
- Hide WordPress Version to Improve Security.
- Block User enumeration (is one of the most popular attacks to identify the valid user names)
- Disable Application Passwords: Block external applications to request permission to connect to a site and generate a password (WordPress 5.6 new feature)
- Multilingual ready.
- Allow to block comments in media page.
- Block All Feeds (Optional).
- Block Bad Queries.
- Block creation of new Administrators from plugins and themes with vulnerabilities.
- Block False Google and Bing (MSN) bots (Premium Version)
- Block Search for Theme’s vulnerabilities (Premium Version)
- Block Search for Plugin’s vulnerabilities (Premium Version)
- Block Tor (The Onion Router) Traffic – Optional – Tor anonymity provides value to online attackers. (Premium Version)
- Check Google Safe Browsing Blacklist.
- Check and alert for deactivated Plugins and themes.
- Check and alert for extra files and dangerous files on root folder.
- Disable WordPress native user’s sitemap creation
Very light, easy to install (just 2 minutes) and manage. Online Guide, Faq page, Start Up Guide and Support Site available.
Testemonials from the official WordPress site:

How to Install?
1) Install via
2) Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.