Malware Table

Malware (malicious software), is a blanket term for viruses, worms, trojans, backdoors, spyware, shells as well as JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden eval code and other harmful computer software designed to cause damage,  gain access to sensitive information and steal your traffic or computer resources. Below the table of  malware currently detected by our scan system. Download it for free.

Total: 797 malware  

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |   See All

Name of MalwareDescriptionAuthor of the signature for Detection Signature and Condition
webshell_C99madShell_v_3_0_smowu Web Shell - file smowu.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_C99madShell_v__2_0_madnet_edition PHP Webshells Github Archive - file C99madShell v. 2.0 madnet edition.php Florian Roth Open
Webshell_c99_4 Detects C99 Webshell Florian Roth Open
webshell_c99_c66_c99_shadows_mod_c99shell Web Shell - from files c99.php, c66.php, c99-shadows-mod.php, c99shell.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_c99_c99shell_c99_c99shell Web Shell - from files c99.php, c99shell.php, c99.php, c99shell.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_c99_c99shell_c99_w4cking_Shell_xxx Web Shell - from files c99.php, c99shell.php, c99_w4cking.php, Shell [ci] .Biz was here.php, acid.php, c100 v. 777shell v. Undetectable #18a Modded by 777 - Don.php, c66.php, c99-shadows-mod.php, c99.php, c99shell.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_c99_locus7s PHP Webshells Github Archive - file c99_locus7s.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_c99_locus7s_c99_w4cking_xxx Web Shell - from files c99_locus7s.php, c99_w4cking.php, r57shell.php, r57shell127.php, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php, EgY_SpIdEr ShElL V2.php, r57_iFX.php, r57_kartal.php, r57_Mohajer22.php, r57.php, acid.php, newsh.php, r57.php, Backdoor.PHP.Agent.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_c99_madnet PHP Webshells Github Archive - file c99_madnet.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_c99_madnet_smowu Web Shell - file smowu.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_c99_Shell_ci_Biz_was_here_c100_v_xxx Web Shell - from files c99.php, Shell [ci] .Biz was here.php, c100 v. 777shell v. Undetectable #18a Modded by 777 - Don.php, c66.php, c99-shadows-mod.php, c99shell.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_caidao_shell_404 Web Shell - file 404.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_caidao_shell_guo Web Shell - file guo.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_caidao_shell_hkmjj Web Shell - file hkmjj.asp Florian Roth Open
webshell_caidao_shell_ice Web Shell - file ice.asp Florian Roth Open
webshell_caidao_shell_ice_2 Web Shell - file ice.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_caidao_shell_mdb Web Shell - file mdb.asp Florian Roth Open
WebShell_CasuS_1_5 PHP Webshells Github Archive - file CasuS 1.5.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_cgi Semi-Auto-generated - file WebShell.cgi.txt Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls Open
WebShell_cgitelnet PHP Webshells Github Archive - file cgitelnet.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_cihshell_fix Web Shell - file cihshell_fix.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_cmd_win32 Web Shell - file cmd_win32.jsp Florian Roth Open
webshell_config_myxx_zend Web Shell - from files config.jsp, myxx.jsp, zend.jsp Florian Roth Open
webshell_cpg_143_incl_xpl Web Shell - file cpg_143_incl_xpl.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_Crystal_Crystal Web Shell - file Crystal.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_customize Web Shell - file customize.jsp Florian Roth Open
WebShell_dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV PHP Webshells Github Archive - file dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV_2 PHP Webshells Github Archive - file dC3 Security Crew Shell PRiV.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_dev_core Web shells - generated from file dev_core.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_Dive_Shell_1_0_Emperor_Hacking_Team_xxx Web Shell - from files Dive Shell 1.0 - Emperor Hacking Team.php, phpshell.php, SimShell 1.0 - Simorgh Security MGZ.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_drag_system Web Shell - file system.jsp Florian Roth Open
WebShell_DTool_Pro PHP Webshells Github Archive - file DTool Pro.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_Dx_Dx Web Shell - file Dx.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_elmaliseker_2 Web Shell - file elmaliseker.asp Florian Roth Open
webshell_ELMALISEKER_Backd00r Web Shell - file ELMALISEKER Backd00r.asp Florian Roth Open
WebShell_ftpsearch PHP Webshells Github Archive - file ftpsearch.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_functions rules for basic webshell functions @tenacioustek Open
WebShell_g00nshell_v1_3 PHP Webshells Github Archive - file g00nshell-v1.3.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_Gamma_Web_Shell PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Gamma Web Shell.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_Generic_PHP_1 PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Dive Shell 1.0 - Emperor Hacking Team.php, Dive_Shell_1.0_Emperor_Hacking_Team.php, SimShell 1.0 - Simorgh Security MGZ.php, SimShell_1.0_-_Simorgh_Security_MGZ.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_Generic_PHP_10 PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Cyber Shell.php, cybershell.php, Cyber Shell (v 1.0).php, PHPRemoteView.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_Generic_PHP_11 PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files rootshell.php, Rootshell.v.1.0.php, s72 Shell v1.1 Coding.php, s72_Shell_v1.1_Coding.php Florian Roth Open
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