Malware Table

Malware (malicious software), is a blanket term for viruses, worms, trojans, backdoors, spyware, shells as well as JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden eval code and other harmful computer software designed to cause damage,  gain access to sensitive information and steal your traffic or computer resources. Below the table of  malware currently detected by our scan system. Download it for free.

Total: 797 malware  

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |   See All

Name of MalwareDescriptionAuthor of the signature for Detection Signature and Condition
webshell_webshells_new_php6 Web shells - generated from file php6.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshells_new_pppp Web shells - generated from file pppp.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshells_new_radhat Web shells - generated from file radhat.asp Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshells_new_xxx Web shells - generated from file xxx.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshells_new_xxxx Web shells - generated from file xxxx.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_webshells_zehir4 Webshells Github Archive - file zehir4 Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshell_123 Web shells - generated from file webshell-123.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshell_cnseay02_1 Web Shell - file webshell-cnseay02-1.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_webshell_cnseay_x Web Shell - file webshell-cnseay-x.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell_Web_shell__c_ShAnKaR PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Web-shell (c)ShAnKaR.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_WinX_Shell Web Shell - file WinX Shell.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_Worse_Linux_Shell Web Shell - file Worse Linux Shell.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_wsb_idc Web Shell - file idc.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_wso2_5_1_wso2_5_wso2 Web Shell - from files wso2.5.1.php, wso2.5.php, wso2.php Florian Roth Open
webshell_zacosmall Web Shell - file zacosmall.php Florian Roth Open
Webshell_zehir Detects Webshell - rule generated from from files elmaliseker.asp, zehir.asp, zehir.txt, zehir4.asp, zehir4.txt Florian Roth Open
WebShell_ZyklonShell PHP Webshells Github Archive - file ZyklonShell.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell_Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell_soldierofallah PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Ajax_PHP Command Shell.php, Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell.php, soldierofallah.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__CrystalShell_v_1_erne_stres PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files CrystalShell v.1.php, erne.php, stres.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__CrystalShell_v_1_sosyete_stres PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files CrystalShell v.1.php, sosyete.php, stres.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__Cyber_Shell_cybershell_Cyber_Shell__v_1_0_ PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Cyber Shell.php, cybershell.php, Cyber Shell (v 1.0).php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__findsock_php_findsock_shell_php_reverse_shell PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files findsock.c, php-findsock-shell.php, php-reverse-shell.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__PH_Vayv_PHVayv_PH_Vayv PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files PH Vayv.php, PHVayv.php, PH_Vayv.php Florian Roth Open
WebShell__Small_Web_Shell_by_ZaCo_small_zaco_zacosmall PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Small Web Shell by ZaCo.php, small.php, zaco.php, zacosmall.php Florian Roth Open
Websites Open
WEB_INF_web Laudanum Injector Tools - file web.xml Florian Roth Open
web_shell_crews @patrickrolsen Open
Weevely_Webshell Weevely Webshell - Generic Rule - heavily scrambled tiny web shell Florian Roth Open
wh_bindshell_py Semi-Auto-generated - file Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls Open
winshell Webshells Auto-generated - file winshell.exe Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth Open
WinX_Shell_html Semi-Auto-generated - file WinX Shell.html.txt Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls Open
Win_Trojan_ShellcodeBindTcp_1 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellcodeBindTcp_2 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellcodeFindKernel32_1 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellcodeReverseTcp_1 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellExec_1 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellExec_2 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellExec_3 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellExec_4 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellHook_1 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellHook_2 Open
Win_Trojan_ShellHook_3 Open
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